Guests under the age of 18 can use the facility until 22:30 unless accompanied by a guardian.
Please take your trash home with you.
For injuries and other accidents that occur while using this facility, we will take first aid, but we will not be responsible unless there is intentional or gross negligence on our part.
The same shall apply to troubles between users within the facility.
Users (including accompanying persons; the same shall apply hereinafter) shall handle and resolve the matter at their own responsibility and expense.
We recommend that individuals or groups take out sports insurance, etc., just in case. -
If a user stains or damages part or all of this facility or equipment while using this facility, all users will be required to jointly and severally compensate for the amount of damage incurred by this facility.
If a small child is to be used, we ask that all attendants and facility users use it with caution.
Bringing dangerous goods into the facility is strictly prohibited.
Fire is strictly prohibited in this facility. Please do not bring in heaters, etc. without permission.
All facilities are non-smoking.
As a general rule, shoes are strictly prohibited in this facility. Please bring your own indoor shoes. (Rental shoes are available, but the number is limited.)
In case of rain, please do not bring a wet umbrella into the facility.
Pets are not allowed to enter the facility. (Excluding guide dogs and hearing dogs)
We do not allow high heels or other shoes other than sports shoes to enter the court.
"Dunking" and "hanging" are prohibited in the ring attached to the side of this facility.
It is strictly prohibited to use this facility while under the influence of alcohol.
Candy, gum, and spitting are strictly prohibited at this facility.
Bringing dangerous goods into the facility is strictly prohibited.
Unauthorized sales and advertising (including preaching) are strictly prohibited in this facility.
Unauthorized use of the power supply of this facility is strictly prohibited.
It is strictly prohibited to hit the side or ceiling of the facility with a ball.
It is strictly prohibited to disturb other customers.
It is strictly prohibited to take out equipment from this facility.
If any of the following applies to the user, the user will immediately stop using the facility and will be asked to leave. In that case, the usage fee will not be refunded.
When you do not observe the prohibitions of this facility.
When you do not follow the instructions given by our facility staff.
1. 熱中症予防のため、こまめな水分補給をお願いいたします。
2. 当施設をご利用の際には、体調の変化に十分注意し、体調がすぐれない場合はご利用をお
3. けがをされた場合や、具合の悪くなった方は、コーチ、当施設スタッフまでお知らせくだ
4. お帰りの際は身の回りにお忘れ物がないか今一度ご確認ください。
5. 当施設の利用の際に使用した備品等は元の場所に戻してください。また、レンタルした用
6. 更衣室は当施設を利用する皆さまの共有スペースとなりますので占有はご遠慮ください。
7. 当施設を利用する皆さまが気持ちよくご利用いただけますよう、ご協力をお願いいたしま
8. 当施設のご利用に関してご不明な点等ございましたら、お気軽にスタッフにお声掛けくだ
[Established] June 1, 2011
[Final Revision] General Incorporated Association 89ERS Academy